Next Generation Health Careers Academy provides educators with the resources to build healthcare career awareness, exploration, and preparation into their curriculum. Our lesson plans, events, and videos are organized by grade to help educators meet Michigan’s Career Development Model grade-level targets.
Next Generation Health Careers Academy takes the guesswork out of integrating healthcare career development in the classroom. Our resources easily fit into existing lesson plans, adding extra contextual learning for Education Content Standards while also meeting the MiCDM grade-level targets.
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Michigan’s Career Development Model
The Michigan Career Development Model (MiCDM) is a framework developed by the Michigan Department of Education to provide students with the knowledge and skills to be successful in their future careers. Through the MiCDM, educators must provide students with Career Development content highlighting Michigan’s 17 Career Clusters.
The MiCDM outlines required career development targets for each K-12 grade band, including
Career Awareness | Grades K-6
Career Exploration | Grades 7-8
Career Preparation | Grades 9-12